Thank you!

Thanks to all of you in Legislative District 2 who voted last Tuesday, May 17th. Across the state, there were several conservatives who won Senate races and are certain to win again in November. I am among them. Thank you again! Our district is going to have a great team of legislators representing you in Boise. Dale, Heather and I are going to be attending many of the parades and events across the district between now and November. See you this summer!

Phil Hart is a proven champion of
YOUR Constitutional Rights!

A good measuring stick for the how “republican” Idaho’s Republican Party dominated legislature is, is the Idaho Freedom Foundation’s (IFF) legislator scoring results. IFF scores bills based on whether they promote limited government and individual liberties. These scores indicate there is more work to do down in Boise, with the Senate being the weakest link. Overall the House scored 67% and the Senate got a flunking score of 46%!

When I previously served in the House, from 2004 till 2012, IFF scored only my last year and my score was in the top 5 percent. When I made it known I was considering running for the legislature again, all of my close associates encouraged me to run for the Senate.

With all that said, please look over my website, review the bills I worked on during my earlier service, read my recent articles and please cast your vote for me on May 17th.

Phil Hart believes in and passionately supports:

Pro – Life

Phil is a consistent Pro-Life advocate with a consistent voting record on Pro-Life issues when he served in the House from 2004-2012.  Phil believes life begins at conception and the unborn child has God-given rights to life protected by the United States Constitution.   The American people should not be forced through taxation to pay for abortions.

Pro Gun Rights

The Second Amendment is not negotiable, nor shall we allow any infringement of our Second Amendment rights.  Phil co-sponsored the Firearms Freedom Act (HB589) that was passed into law in 2010.

Low Taxes/Small Government

Phil believes Government is too large and taxes are too high.  He supports reduction in the size of government and the amount of taxes levied on the citizens.  Phil authored legislation to eliminate the grocery tax (HB 82) in 2007 and HB 454 in 2010 to replace the income tax with an increase in the sales tax in Idaho.

Transparency in Government

Government must be open and transparent in all its transactions.  Phil wrote the Transparency in Government legislation – HB263 (2009) and HB699 that was passed into law in 2010 requiring School District checkbooks to be posted online.

State Control of Idaho Lands

Phil supports the return of Federal Lands in Idaho to the State and the protection of State’s rights over Federal encroachment. He wrote the Wolf Emergency Bill, HB343 that was passed into law in 2011, and transferred management of the wolves from the Federal Government to the State of Idaho.

Food and Health Freedom

Phil believes that foods grown, produced and sold in Idaho are beyond the authority of Congress to regulate.  He wrote HB431 – the Farm Freedom Act, and HB700 – the Idaho Farm Freedom Act in 2012 to strengthen local agriculture economies. Phil also believes that we are sovereign over our own bodies and should not be forced to have any medical procedures against our will.

Parental Choice

Phil emphatically supports creating opportunity for educational choice.  Parents who choose schooling for their children outside of the public school system should not have to pay twice for their children’s education. Parents also have the ultimate authority over their children’s health and medical welfare.

Civil Liberties and our Constitutional Rights

The protection of Civil Liberties is key to a free State, according to Phil.  He supported legislation that opposed unconstitutional federal mandates on the State of Idaho.  Phil wrote HB541 in 2010 ensuring Idaho Driver’s Licenses had no RFID chip and HB606 in 2008 that outlawed the implementation of the Federal Real ID card in Idaho.  He also sponsored legislation regarding limiting the use of full body scanners in airports, HB 573 – 2010.

Business Climate

As a small business owner himself, Phil understands the need to ease the burdensome taxes and regulations stifling Idaho’s small businesses, and taking our jobs with them.  Attracting new business and jobs requires a business-friendly environment.  Phil wrote HB454 in 2010 to eliminate personal income tax and HB218 in 2009 to eliminate mandatory fire sprinklers in new homes.


Today, Idaho said to be the freest state in the Union for homeschooling. I want to keep it that way. I believe that parents have the ultimate jurisdiction over their children when it comes to education. We find this in Scripture, “Train up your child in the way he should go, when he is old he will not depart from it.” Proverbs 22:6.

Read the US Constitution

Read the Idaho State Constitution